Some people define Adhaalath Party as a group of radical or fundamentalist politicians or sheiks. But those who know Islam and who know world politics will know that Adhaalath Party’s view of Islam is relatively moderate when compared to the teachings of hard line Islamists such as Sheikh Fareed. It would be shrewd for the new government to make full use of Adhaalath Party to preach moderate Islam and silence hard line or fundamentalist teachings. There are some people within MDP who believe that moderation means embracing all western cultures. If the new government takes this view then the country could be deeply divided and we could be headed for religious unrest.
Redefining “moderate Islam” is one critical area that needs to be addressed urgently. If MDP alienates the moderate Islamists then there is great danger of the party losing their credibility. Moderate Islam does not mean having the freedom to dress whichever way one wants. We all attacked Gayyoom because he does not make his wife Nasreena to wear the veil. I wonder what many Maldivians would say if MDP chairperson Maria starts to wear the veil. Would that inspire Nasheed’s wife to do the same? I wonder what many Maldivians would say if president Mohamed Nasheed’s wife (Laila) continue to shun the issue of wearing the veil.
If we turn our backs on Allah, it is easy for Allah to reverse this victory and bring us down and give the leadership to whoever He wishes. This may not be the most popular idea but I call upon president Nasheed and the Vice-President Dr. Waheed and the MDP Chairperson Maria and Adhaalth party leaders to come to a feasible compromise so that the issue of the veil is addressed properly.
whats wrong with you. you want to talk about islamic issues in maldive. than alk abotu this
ReplyDeletehow many of pray five times a day
how many of are free from alcholoe or drugs
why the state never provide us with riba free finance or islamic banking
there are more genuine issues like this than getting obssessed with an extra piece of cloth
The first thing to do is to advise the wine drinking president of ours.
why do men get so obsessed with the women and want them covered from heat to foot? If women were such trash i am sure God would not have sent them to this earth and it would just be men. Then the men will be reproducing the same way as the 'fathun faih falha' tree. I am glad Madam Laila, Maria, Minister Aminath Jameel and Attorney General Dhiyana are not wearing the veil. If us men cannot control our desires, then it is our problem not theirs! Get a life!
ReplyDeletegreat article bushry
ReplyDeletehey anni was drinking wine in india with the indian reporters. read this article from an online news paper. it reads "The Maldives has many anxieties, Nasheed told reporters over a glass of Sula Shiraz, and physical security is just one of them." http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/aditi-phadnismaldivian-symphony/00/16/344445/
ReplyDeleteIf you dont know what Sula Shiraz is google it. Its an Indian wine. Next thing we're gonna hear is this guy smoking ganja.
Isnt this enough to impeach Anni?
At least Anni is drinking Sula Shirza and not "Su" as Hameed and Gayyoom!
ReplyDeleteGo get a life Umar Naseer, Hamdhoon, Yamin, Gasim, Hameed, etc.
if a woman who wears veil go along with a woman who is wearing shorts or tight fitting clothes, whom will u stare at? or which one of them will b attaked by rapists? the 1 wearing veil or the fashionable one? surely the fashionable one.
ReplyDeletetherefore islam has ordered women to cover so tht they wil b respected, not disturbed.
n it is God who knows His slaves more thn v know our own selves. He has legislated it n v must listen n obey. v shud nt b puttin excuses like y shud women cover, men shud also cover. y shud woman cover, men cn control their desires. wake up ppl. y do men rape women, they cn stil control their desires. isnt it?
n y a human being who has been ordered to follow his creator puts so man excuses n tries to teach God? as if God legislated these things without knowing who a human being is.
n another thing women r nt a trash. islam has given them their rights fully. do u know the situation of women before islam? they were inharitable. they were buried alive.
islam hav upgraded women. read these ahaadith.
"Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach adulthood - he and I will come (together) on the Day of Resurrection - and he interlaced his fingers (meaning in Paradise)." (Reported by Muslim)
prophet said "The best among you are those who are kindest to their wives'
man came to the Prophet (SAW) and asked:
"O Messenger of Allah! to whom should I show kindness? He replied: Your mother, next your mother, next your mother, and then comes your father..." (Sunan Abu Dawud)
O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them - except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and God will bring about through it a great deal of good. (4:19)
n clik on ths page to know more abt status of women in islam.
therefore, the veil has been prescribed inorder to protect them, nt becoz they r trash. becoz they r precious as pearls. wil u let evry1 who comes to touch tht pearl? even the diamonds in showrooms r put in boxes so they cnt b touched by evry1. so women shud b chaste n respected infront of others, nt used as a means to improve business.
Hey, Anonymous 10.40; do u know what your beloved Gayyoom-Lai-Lama as drinking? Ever heard of "Milk Maid"?
ReplyDeleteIsn't it worse to "drink" someone's wives "Sulu Shirza"?
Mohamed Amin drank Sulu Shirza; and Nasir darbk it too. He he. But Gay-Lai-Lama drank Milk Maid!
ReplyDeleteIs Bushry a Sheikh? What's it with Bushry and the veil?
ReplyDeleteheavenly apple juice oh sula shiraz akee....
ReplyDeleteAnni is promoting not only Ganja, he's promoting Wine too... It's such a fun some pro govt loud asses commenting.. hehe
The Maldives has many anxieties, Nasheed told reporters over a glass of Sula Shiraz, and physical securit.INGREDIENTS of SULA SHIRAZ are Spiced, notes of pepper, velvety tannins, good weight, fruit complexity and length on the finish. A delicious wine that is great value for money. Something different and very enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteSee the link http://www.thesussexwinecompany.co.uk/store/product.php?productid=1902&cat=1481&page=1
Hey tell Umar Naseer to arrange a protest soon about SULA SHIRAZ,submit to SULA SHIRAZ case to Majilis and impeach ANNI soon.As per the constitution if preisident has done such a thing he could be impeached.If the case is succeeded there would be a big chance Gayyoom to be president again.
ReplyDeletebushry just wants a hot topic to generte traffic to his new blog..heheh.Thats all there to it.
ReplyDeleteSula Shiraz..aee hama eyna gasthuga meehunna jessun kuran vegen kuri kameh..adhaalathu party aa dhimaala eyna bunee 'the mullahs'
ReplyDeletekobaa wahabeen,echey visnijjetha?
anni bunee mullah in thah thibee sarukaarah vadhdhaa bandhelaafayo. dhen thibey coatu fatuloon laafa nikan hedhigen. thiya thibee hadhdhaafa. hahahaha. maumoonu burugaa alhan amuru nunereythee eynaa fahathuga namaadhu kurun hudhdha nuvaane ey buni meehun mihaaru ethibenee raafodhu hippavaa ganjaa ballavaa raeeseh ge cabinetuga. dhen la la laa
ReplyDeleteVeil means nothing unless the heart is veiled from sinful desires. I know heaps of Maldives veiled women who behave in a permiscuous manner. Still, Western world's use of sex to sell is what degrades women. The spirituality of Motherhood, is sacred, and a woman should be seen and respected by the Public for her mind and soul, the veil symbolizes that the womans body should not be looked at, it say's, "Hey, see me as a sacred being don't look at my body and degrade me as a sex object." Paradise lies beneath the feet of the Mother.
ReplyDeleteI am really sad to hear Anni drinking alcohol, really really really sad. No point getting angry about it it achieves nothing as ppl don't stop sinning through fear they just learn to hide their sins more effectively, they learn to become better liars. Besides, we don't have the right to get angry against Anni drinking unless we are in a state of Fitrah. The appropriate response is to show Anni it hurts us, and hope he will refrain out of compassion for our feelings.
ReplyDeleteI do not consider Anni as my president anymore. I do not want him to represent me in foreign countries. He should resign NOW or he should be impeached. Unfortunately he has the majority of Majilis with his non-elected members and is trying hard to win majority of Majilis in the next election hence making the Majilis his rubber stamp in the future. This country is going down the drain. Please somebody do something.
ReplyDeleteAnni Nasheed & Shira Indian wine - read all about it at:
Now ask if you want Laila to wear the Buruga Tent!!!
drp ge reyvumakun nikumegen ulhey article eh kamah varah shakku. mamoon ge veri kamuge kuree kolhu mulee aage in fennu nu kamah bunaa raafulhi thakuge vaahaka hadhaaneh netheh nu.
ReplyDeleteamila ah muslimunge veriakah kufoo hama nuvaakan e dhekkee. konme kameh ves drp ge boluga alhuvaa!!!
ReplyDeleteif anni is not punished for drinking alcohol all those who were caught selling alocohol in male' and those in jail for drinking alcohol must be freed immediately. also the constituion should be amended to allow other religions to be practised in this country.
ReplyDeletebushry. talk about alocohol and drugs our dear leaders are consuming in public before talking about veils. do you think a guy who talks to reporters 'over a glass of sula shiraz' will listen to you and get his wife a veil?
aan dhen drp ey maumooney kiyaigen hih hama jassaalaigen thibey. ekamaku thi baiganduves hithuge adin gaboolu kuraane 100% muslim dhivehi raajjeeyge raees beyrah kuri furathama furamaana dhathurugai reportarunnai vaahaka dhekki iru raa boan hurumakee eynaa ah haggu adhabu dheyn jeheyne kameh kan.
ReplyDeleteKeep the veil aside for the moment, and work on a proper dress code to protect the female body from nation-wide voyeurism. We all are taking western cultures for granted. Its not just abiding to Islam, but showing ourselves as decent citizens. Take India and Lanka for example. Its indecent for women to wear shorts in public. And most are not even Muslim.
ReplyDeletedrp in kihaa fai saa eh kan neyge e report ah dhinee, beyru qawm thakugai ves fai saa ah helley reporterun baivaru. mi kan thiya baigadu ves ragalhah igeyne.
ReplyDeletemaumoon ah nukurevunu , rayyithun nah faidhaa vaa kan thah nasheed kuravvaathee, mi hurihaa kamakeeves. thiya bai meehunves 100% qabool kuraane ekan. ekamaku, qabool kuraa kamah nuhedhenee. kithamme vareh eruviyas, Allah minvaru kurevvi gothakah kanthah dhaanee.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all' we are not Saudis or Americans. We are Maldivians.....
ReplyDeleteImplement a categorized national dress-code.
Ban on selected clothing.
Tax free on trades which promotes national dress code.
Parents encourage child to dress on national regulations.
Adalath are radicals...hmmm most of them. I think we should ban religious parties.
ReplyDeleteAsk them about any other policies, like environment or tourism or business, they wont have any idea whats going on in the country.
Is not only religion that we have to think about... we have our social life. economy, housing health care etc to think about.
They are like modern doomsday cult waiting for a sign for it to happen
They are not qualified to be a political party.
On what ground are you judging Adhaalath party?
ReplyDeleteefulhi ma buimey!
ReplyDeleteShiraz ge soo ..
ReplyDeleteI drank lot of wine and champagne and beer even this week. But i never lied, never cheated on anyone, never harrass anyone, never defame anyone, never even thought ill of others, never did any harm to anyone. Just take a second away from the so called religion and tell me is it so bad?
ReplyDeleteAbt the veil, if you want to wear Bushry, please wear your self, ask your wife, your mother grandmother and father, grand father and your children to wear it. Or if you like them to wear it with little skirts, thats fine by me as well, i will not look at them BECAUSE im not so fucking pervert like you. dressing and fashion and pornography is different. Kindly keep everything in perspective.
you sound like a pervert? a person who rapes his own little daughter in your drunkenness.
ReplyDeletekithanme varakah konme ehcheh kiyas miadhu anni beynun gotheh hadhaanee hama.