Former president, Gayyoom had consistently challenged the wearing of the veil. To put the record straight the new government needs to do certain things. First, we need to increase Islamic awareness so that girls’ schools can redesign girls’ school uniforms to include the veil and long pants. We also can introduce a dress code for civil servants so that all ladies who serve in the Maldives civil service can wear the veil during office hours.
this lady is wearing burugaa.see the video
the more you begin to investigate, what we think we understand, where we came from, what we think we are doing?, the more you begin to see we are being lied to. We have been lied to by every institution that makes you think for one minute that the religious institution is the only one thats not being touched. The religious institutions in this world are at the bottom of the dirt.
ReplyDeleteThe religious institutions in this world are put there by the same people who gave you your government, your corrupt education, who set up the international banking cartels, because our masters don't give a damn about you and your family. All they care about is what they have always cared about and thats controlling the whole damn world.
We have been misled away from the true and divine presence in the universe that man have called GOD. I don't know what god is, but i know what he is not. And unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth, wherever it may go or whoever it may lead to, if you want to look the other-way or if you want to play favorites that somewhere along the line you are going to find out that you are messing with the divine justice.
The more you educate your self, the more you understand where things come from, the more obvious things become and you begin to see lies everywhere. You have to know the truth and seek the truth and the truth will set you free.
they must find it difficult..... those who have taken authority as the truth, Rather than truth as the authority.
-G. Massey, Egyptologist-
I got to tell you the truth. When it come to bullshit... Big time manjaleoague bullshit, you have to stand in aw! of the all time champion of false promises and exaggerations that claim RELIGION.
Think about it! Religion has actually convinced people that there is an invisible man! living in the sky who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of the ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things in the list he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anger which will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever till the end of time. but he LOVES you. kekekekek He loves you! he loves you and he needs MONEY!
He always needs money. He is all powerful, all perfect, all knowing and all wise but somehow just can't handle money. Religion takes in BILLIONS of Dollars, they pay no taxes and they always need a little more.
NOw you talk about a good bullshit story, Holly Shit!
mi anni soru himaayai kuran dhen meehun muruthaddu ves vaan fettee dho
ReplyDeleteMorals are adhered to better when the family and community installs them into their children rather than the state. Families and religious institutions in Maldives have to work as hard as possible to uphold moral behaviour, but when it becomes the job of the State to impose the veil then the sluttiest women alive will wear the veil just to look Holy and it will make the deep spiritual meaning of the veil (paradise lies beneath the feet of the mother) to be of no effect! Separation of State and religion must not lead to immoral chaos the way it has done in the west.
ReplyDeletedo muslim men also require to wear burqa? i see many of them (mostly from arabia and gulf region) wear it too...is it an arab custom? by the way i searched a translation of quran and it only asks to dress modestly and women to cover their breasts (no mentioning of head, hair or face). please clarify these mr bushry.
ReplyDeleteDO you really need instructions from Quran on how to dress. You know how to dress or you completely have gone stupid???
ReplyDeleteOh yes, look up in the books on how you wear slippers, how to buy them. why is that we need to be told, or controlled...
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