Thursday, February 25, 2010

Please Mr. President, stop insulting Islam!

I was hoping that President Nasheed would eventually realize his mistake and stop listening to some of his idiotic aides such as Ibrahim Hussein Zaki, Kerafa Naseem and Maria. Now I know that it is not Gayyoom or DRP or Thasmeen who will be Nasheed’s biggest threat but rather, that threat would come from within Nasheed’s own government – in the shape of advisors who unintentionally mislead the President into doing things that would eventually lead to his downfall.

Some of you may remember Nasheed saying that some of Gayyoom’s actions are leading Gayyoom to step on his own private parts (amillayah f—kah erenee)! Well, I wonder whether the decision to issue permits to hotels in populated islands to sell alcohol could be described as an action by President Nasheed that would make him step on his own you-know-what!

Adhaalath Party – that is part of the ruling coalition – is to hold a rally (with support from various NGOs and the public) to protest against the liquor permits. Well, members of the MNDF and the police Star Force could dispense pepper spray and use force to disperse the crowd but I believe that it would be foolish for the government to think that they can dilute the public opinion against this new regulation by dragging this on.

No one with a sane mind would support Gayyoom and his un-democratic party (DRP) to come to power again but if Nasheed and his clowns think that they have a decree from “God” to destroy all things that we Maldivians hold sacred then they are sadly mistaken. Foreign Minister Shaheed and co could not forever hide behind abused terms such as “Taliban” and “fundamentalism”.

This is not about Islamic fundamentalism. This is about standing up for our rights and standing up for our religion. I (like many Maldivians who are angered by this new rule) in fact do not support the Taliban or Osama bin Laden. In fact I believe that Taliban and Osama are doing a disservice to Islam by following the path of indiscriminate violence. So, please Shaheed, do not try to confuse love-of-Islam with fundamentalism. Please Mr. President, stop listening to the clowns whom you have chosen to surround yourself with. Listen to those who strived hard to bring you to this high station. Stop insulting Islam and stop insulting us.


  1. Nobody is forcing you to drink, Pubicry. This is a good step towards establishing freedom of religion in the Maldives.

  2. bill is to regulate alcohol sale in hotel that build nationwide. Sooner or later, bill has to pass as city hotel goes to islands.

  3. We wonder why Mr. President is defacing MDP and taking such a high risk for the sake of Holiday Inn? Is it again the influence of notorious Maria Didi? Isn't she the one who produced a fake charge of theft against the same Mr. Nasheed when she was at AG office?

  4. Bushry, have you read the insulting comments in this blog posted to you when you open your mouth to protect the truth against falsehood. I presume you have seen both side of this. People advocated your views when you came out against Maumoon and when you did everything you can to tarnish the name and reputation of that feeble man, who has sacrifice his name and power to protect the religion of Islam and the rights of the majority of Maldivian. And I am not trying to distort the fact that there are pitfalls in his government and that is nature. No human is perfect.

    There are hypocrites in the MDP government like Adhil Saleem who disguise the people that Tourism could be developed only by allowing Alcohol and this would not be espoused by any one who have a bit of good knowledge about strategy.

    Finally, I have not seen the changed I've voted from MDP government and all what I've observed is that they are a bunch of morons who does not have a kernel of sincerity to the citizens. Our brotherhood has already been evaporated and this is the beginning of so-called western traits.

  5. Shuaib the ultra southern criticFebruary 28, 2010 at 7:27 AM

    I wish you nameless cowards good luck to your doomed fate.You fear to reveal your name.........,typical hypocrits..haha :-D

  6. wat mak u think so..u wanna knw my name..i have no name..fear izn,t a word in my dictionary...

  7. Bushree - youre not making sense. Just because liquor is permitted for foreigners doesnt mean you have to be tempted to use it. Where's your eemaantheri kan? Faith is something you beleive and practice by yourself , not something that has to be forced unto yourself.

  8. Is this something you discovered only now.He has always insulted Islam

    Now the country is gripped celebrity scholars mania.Meaning people are crazy about certain personalities and would learn abt Islam based on who is saying what rather what he said.I am talking about Zakir Naik mania

  9. Bushry, you call this a country?, fucking hell, this place is worse than a jungle. Even in jungles 15 animals dont go and rape 1. atleast animals have some decency than us. And you still call us Muslims?

    Blame it on Maumoon....... LOL

  10. Bushry as I said to you when i met your shop..U need to stand up and start publishing MondayTimes to protect the Maldives from the Secularist who has hijacked President of Maldives and the country both at DRP and MDP! Kerafa Naseem, Maizan Adam, Adil Saleem, Mohamed Rasheed (trade minister) and many others are heavy drinkers of alcohol..and openly deny islamic principles! WE NEED TO STAND UP TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY FROM SECULARIST in DRP. MDP, INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONS SUCH AS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONER AHMED SALEEM!

  11. for every alcoholic person, 6 other people from his family and friends are affected either financially, psychologically or physically.
    any one who has a drug addict in their family(which is almost every one of us) knows what im talking about.
    introducing alcohol will drive the number of users up and no amount of promises of regulation will regulate it. people this is maldives.

  12. about our eemaantherikan, we all know how eemaantheri we are by the amount of drug addicts in maldives. when the youth have no solid family values, no family support with our high rate of divorses and no money, no jobs and no hope drugs and alcohol is very tempting.

  13. huh, youre that Male' guy, right?
